A well-drafted document instantly attracts the attention of the court and evolves necessary interest, which would help in understanding the subject matter of the draft. A proper understanding of drafting cannot be realized unless the nexus between the law, the facts, and the language is fully understood and accepted. It is true that the art of drafting a good pleading or conveyance can be acquired through constant practice and study. Drafting of any legal document requires an in-depth imagination as regards the relevant facts and their legal implications and thus requires a sound and up-to-date knowledge of various laws. I hope this book helps the students/ advocates/ academicians in understanding the basics of Drafting, Pleadings and Conveyancing. The indispensable piece of knowledge penned by Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain extensively covers the following topics:
- Fundamentals Of Drafting
- Fundamental Rules Of Pleading
- Vakalatnama
- Plaint In Suits Relating To Contract/ Rent Matters
- Matrimonial Petitions
- Plaint In Recovery Suits & Injunctions
- Civil Pleadings
- Miscellaneous Suits & Petitions
- Caveat Revision Review And Appeal
- Special Leave Petition & Curative Petition
- Writs And Public Interest Litigation (Pil)
- Transfer Applications/Petitions
- Miscellaneous Pleadings
- Criminal Pleadings
- Essential Parts Of A Conveyance
- Conveyancing: Forms Of Deeds
- Conveyancing: Forms Of Agreements
- Conveyancing: Will Codicil Power Of Attorney
- Conveyancing: Notices